Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today's Workout

Today, we did mostly the same with a few difficulty increases. Next week, we are changing the workout. The new difficulty was:
  • While squating (with stability ball) lift one heel, put it down, repeat with other heel, then stand. Makes the quads work longer and engages the calfs.
  • Holding a Gator skin Ball between my calf and hamstring during leg work.
  • During the "clam", straighten leg after knee raises to the ceiling.
  • New ab workout: Using a gator skin ball or stability ball. Lie on back with legs straight out and arms holding the ball over head. One vertebrae at a time, roll up (keeping legs/feet on the ground) till the ball is touching your toes or as far forward as possible. Then SLOWLY roll back down one vertebrae at a time. It really engages the core muscles. Slow is the key. And rolling. You have to really tuck your belly button to your back as you roll.
I am able to hold my planks for about 30 seconds now! My calf muscles have some serious definition. I am excited for the next step in working out, but nervous also.

1 comment:

The Frosts said...

30 Seconds!!!!?? Wow! That is hard for me! I guess I should start doing planks! ;) THat is awesome that your calves have definition! Isn't it nice to see the work in progress? I love you!