Thursday, January 14, 2010

Literary Rating System

For the longest time, I have thought there should be some sort of literary rating system. I can't stand picking up a book, reading the "trailer" on the back cover, checking it out or buying it because it sounds interesting, then getting into it to find out it has undesireable content. Language, violence, sex, etc. I wish I could know that stuff BEFORE I even read the hook.

I was recently talking to my school librarian who is running across the same issues as she tries to stock our library with books for the 7th & 8th graders which the school has not had in the past. The only thing books for their age group say, is Young Adult, but some of those even have questionable material or at least material that parents should have the ability to give/take permission to read.

I have searched the internet and no such system exists. My sisters and I have all started giving our ratings to each other on books we read. I am so frustrated and tired of not knowing that I thought maybe I should start my own! So, here are my latest reads and reviews.

House of Night Series: Not for young adults. For adults. The first book, Marked, had the most mature content. Excessive language. Moderate sexual references (not pornographic). No drug use; however there is talk of mixing human blood with wine. The following books have less language and sexual references. Violence - mild descriptions, but some due to a looming war. Still more than I would bargain for. These are not books that you will find in my personal library.

Christmas Jars and Christmas Jars Reunion: Language - none, Violence/Gore - none, Sex - none, content - appropriate for most (talk of a baby abandonded with a note explaining that the birth mom cannot raise this child in a home where the dad hits; death; financial/emotional need). Clean, easy read. I read the first one in half a day. There are some tear jerker moments. It is a good story line and the concept is fun to think about applying in your own life.

I don't know where this is going, but if you are like me and love books or reading, maybe I can shed some light on books I have looked at. Let me know if you find this useful - I'll continue. Let me know if you think this is silly. I just want opinions people! :)


Ruth said...

you're sooo right!!! I feel the same Way! Why don't they do that? What a great idea to give your own review! Have you read, The Time Travelers wife? A friend from the library told me that it was really good. I think I'd like to have more imput! Thanks for your reviews! very useful! :)

Jeri Call said...

You should start a website where people can rate books. That would be AWESOME!
I am ready the Marked books. i just started the first one. I am only 5 or so chapters in. So we will see.
I don't think we have much going on this weekend. We should finish our game. :) Aaron woke up with Pink eye. So as long as we are not contagious we can hang out!

Maureen said...

I would love some insite on some books that you've drives me crazy too, I can't even tell you how many books I have bought (most from thrift stores, but still) that end up being keep em coming and I'll share some too..

Suzanna said...

Yes, it would be great to have a rating system for books. There are many books out there that should have and R or X rating (if they were rated like movies), and you don't know it. Reading something, to me, puts a more graphic picture in your mind than a movie because books are more descriptive. Way to go! I love it.