Imagine 20 6/7 year old children, 1 teacher (horribly grossed out and afraid of bugs), and a potato bug!
All of the students were sitting so nicely on the carpet while the teacher was engaging whole class instruction. One female student started not paying attention and it was contagious to the students around her. The teacher told them to settle down or they would need to pull a behavior card. The student promptly told the teacher, "But there's a bug." The teacher rolled her eyes as the rest of the class turned to see the bug. Then, in a mad rush and less then one second, all 20 students were screaming and running to the perimeter of the rug - just like oil spreads when a drop of dish washing liquid is dropped in the middle.
Then the teacher saw the bug! This wasn't a bug, it was a monster! Why are they so ugly? Why are they transparent? Why do they move so fast? Why does it only want to move toward me? Why is it in my classroom? Where did it come from? How am I going to get rid of it?
Luckily, there are some plastic cups in the classroom used for painting projects. The teacher grabbed one of the cups, all while the students were watching relentlessly, and covered the bug after trying to get behind it because it just kept turning and coming after her. She asked a student to get a piece of paper for her. She slid the paper underneath the cup and flipped it over. Heart rate pounding as she prayed it would not crawl out onto her, she took the cup outside and tossed it in the garbage. As she went back into the classroom, another student told the rest, "She threw it in the garbage!"
Well, what else was she going to do with it?!?
Then, the students began making up stories about where it came from including from a hole in one of the ceiling tiles. It was chaos! The teacher gathered her students and told them that it was over. She told them that she was nervous and scared because she does not like bugs, but that she was brave for the students. Now she needed them to get back on task. Luckily, they like her enough that they complied while their brains still thought about this disgusting bug!
The teacher? Me.
The bug? Uglier and more gross than ever.
Me? Glad it is over.
When I told my sister a few days later over the phone, we were both crying because it was so funny! It wasn't funny at the time, but the whole scene was hilarious later.
Those ugly creatures are called Sun spiders I had one in a pair of pants I had just put on and felt something and when I discovered the ugly beast I smashed it and called the exterminator, he told me what they were and said they were harmless, but they moved faster then anything I had ever seen..My brother who was getting his Doctorate at Duke University made me catch one, freeze it and send it to him for a class..I hate bugs too.
Hahahahaha! I can totally picture it! I would not have been laughing if I were in the middle of it, but I would have if I was watching from a distance. I bet it was hilarious!
That was a great story! Thanks for the laugh! What an ordeal though! We used to call those things Jerusalem Crickets. They were all over grandpa's yard in Simi. Interesting beasts they are. Well sounds like you got your Halloween fright for the year!
Love ya! Way to be brave too :)
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