Saturday, September 26, 2009


Has it really been 2 weeks since my last post! Craziness! As you can tell, I have no time. Between commute time, work, working out, eating, and getting enough sleep, there is NO time left.

Anyway, I got on the scale this morning. I lost 5 pounds! I have been working with Ariel for 12 weeks and working on getting healthy for 15 weeks. My mom said that it takes 12 weeks for the body to regulate and stop freaking out about the changes and that I should start seeing increased differences. Well, today I got some serious results!!!! WAHOO!

So, in 15 weeks I have lost 12 pounds, over 10 inches, and about a percent of body fat! It pays off to keep going even when you don't want to continue.


Jeri Call said...

way to go! That is awesome. We need to hang out soon!

Maureen said...

I am giving you a standing ovation..Good Job!

The Porter Family said...

That is so awesome!!! Congrats!!

Ruth said...

Great job! You're awesome! Keep up the great work!