Friday, July 31, 2009

Session 7 and My own W.O.

I apologize for not posting sooner. Cameron was working in Fresno through Wednesday so I did not have a good computer to use.

On Wednesday I had session 7 with Ariel. We worked hard (even attempting one leg wall squats)! The whole hour we talked about nutrition. She asked how much I weigh and did a calculation to figure out how much protein I need. We had determined that I DO NOT get enough, but how much was my deficit? I was roughly getting 30-35 grams each day. I need......

80 grams each day!

So, what does a girl who really doesn't like meat do? I don't like seafood, I cannot eat red meat without some serious physical pain and discomfort, so I am stuck with poultry. UG. Ok, ok, make a very long story short. Here were her suggestions:

  • Get some high quality protein bars (low sugar and fat). Yes, shameless plug. These are the best ones I have found so far and they taste pretty good. They come in a variety of flavors.
  • Purchase some protein shakes (again high quality). Waiting to try these. Very anxious.
  • Look for products that are enriched with protein or the ones that have the most protein of that item(she gave an example of whole wheat bread, check the labels and look for the one with the most protein)
  • Eat some protein every time I eat
  • Make fruit, milk, and protein powder smoothies (milk also has protein)
  • Pair fruit with protein to help the blood sugar use the fructose better and stave off hunger.
  • Remember that dairy products, eggs, and nuts are good sources of protein (beware of fat content)
Last night my mom surprised me with some protein products. Today I tried really hard to do better with protein consumption. Guess what?!? I made it! I had 84 grams of protein today with the help of a bar and a shake! Whew!

I am also supposed to limit my sweets and desserts to twice each week. So far so good. Today I did my workout on my own. I am feeling confident now that I could give myself great workouts. I am so grateful for Ariel!


Maureen said...

Ive been looking for a good protein bar, so I will have to try these, thanks for the suggestions..and keep up the good work!

The Frosts said...

Angel that is so exciting!!!! Good job! I know I need to eat more protien to so that will help. I'm so glad that you have Ariel. :) Keep up the good work!

The Frosts said...

how do you calculate how much protein your suppose to have?